It seems like everything we hear today links strength with independence… it’s the American way, right? Well, independence is great if you’re talking about things like freedom and finances, but not when it comes to family relationships. There’s only one...
Well, actually the concept of “stranger” can be confusing to children, so instead, teach them to recognize unsafe situations. Warn against adults who might stop to ask for directions or help in finding a lost pet. Tell your children never to go anywhere with an adult...
The other day, my son tried on my reading glasses. “Wow!” he said, “I can see really good up close, but far away—it’s blurry.” That made me think … all children, whether they need glasses or not, are “near-sighted.” Like my son, they only see what’s...
Well, for a flame to exist, you have to have fuel. You know those old pictures you have tucked away… the love letters you’ve saved… the texts you exchange… the seemingly harmless flirtations on Facebook. These are the fuel that—given a spark—might just...
Recently, I asked my son for his iPod so I could check out the songs he was listening to. I Googled the lyrics for the songs, and most were just fine. But I did find a couple that weren’t. I sat down with him and showed him the objectionable...
The deadline for registration is May 20, 2024. Please be ready to upload a copy of your license to sell food. Hurry! We will only accept 5 Food Trucks and 5 Brick-and-Mortar Resturants.