Two recently formed semi-pro football teams to represent NEA in the Triumph Football League
Delta Digital News Service
Monday, July 29, 2024
By Avery Jones | Editor
BLYTHEVILLE and PARAGOULD, Ark. — Joshua Hall, a store manager in Blytheville and semi-professional football player, is bringing a new semi-professional football team to Northeast Arkansas. Called the NEA Knights, the team will help represent the Northeast Arkansas region in the Triumph Football League.
The Triumph Football League is a group of semi-professional football teams that encompasses the tri-state area of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. It was established in 2018 by Pat Patterson. However, teams in the league often change as they drop out or switch to another league.
According to Hall, he played in other semi-pro football teams for five years before becoming inspired to start his own. He wanted to bring a team to his own area.

“I know there’s a lot of talent that goes unnoticed, and there’s a lot of talent that can be brought from this area to do even greater things,” Hall stated.
More specifically, a semi-pro football team could be a stepping stone for players to join college teams, a bigger league, or even professional teams. Joining a semi-pro team could also just be for fun and bringing together the community.
“Why not just try to bring that locally and try to push the talent that’s out here to make them succeed in the long run and let them know there’s still people out here that care and maybe eventually help you get to that next level,” Hall said.
Hall started playing football in the Missco Junior Football League in high school and then moved on to semi-pro teams as an adult. He has also coached Little League.
Tryouts for the team begin on August 3 from 2 PM to 5 PM at the Missco League Field in Blytheville. There might also be a second tryout which is to be determined. Experience isn’t needed, and all who want to play are welcome, from those just out of high school to veteran players.
Tryouts will consist of various drills, including position drills to determine what position in the team would fit best. Preferred position and experience will be taken into account. Drills will include a 40-yard dash, a 100-yard dash, shuttle runs, etc.
The team also currently hiring for leadership positions like head coach, offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator, position coaches, and more. Hall is currently working by himself, but has had help from others with experience, including the owner of the Arkansas Punishers who has reached out with encouragement and advice.
The league’s season starts in April 2025 and will most likely run until mid-summer. Both practices and home games are on Saturday nights and will be at the Missco League Field. Practices will be from 2 PM to 5 PM.
The team will largely be funded by donations and sponsorships. Players need to pay a $25 fee to join and need to pay for their jersey as well. They’re encouraged to bring their own shoulder pads and helmet. Opportunities for sponsorships will soon be available.
Another team known as the NEA Galaxy, which was established last year, will also be participating in the Triumph Football League for the upcoming season. The NEA Galaxy was started in Paragould by co-owners Kristopher Moss and Cody Boyd.
Moss and Boyd played football together in high school and had the opportunity to do college football but turned it down. Moss has been playing football since he was five. In 2015, he started playing on semi-professional teams but stopped in 2020.

Both Moss and Boyd later decided they wanted to play again, but at the time, there were no semi-pro teams near them. The idea of starting their own team began as a joke but as they discussed it more, they started taking it seriously.
“Semi-pro minor league…exists for the purpose of giving young adult athletes and sometimes even older adult athletes a second chance in playing the sport…” Moss said. “One of the goals that we want to use it for is to help…the younger adult athletes that want to pursue a career in football…”
Moss said that they not only want to have fun, they can also help adult athletes who may not have gotten enough notoriety in high school by reaching out to colleges on their behalf to get them on a roster. They can also help players out of college who want to go pro by working on their football resume and reaching out to scouts.
The size of the team each season can be unpredictable; in Moss’s experience, he’s seen teams that have as few as fifteen players to as many as fifty. According to the league rules, however, they can have no more than sixty players. Currently, the NEA Galaxy has forty-four players, but this is subject to change.
The team started tryouts in March and are considering doing another tryout closer to the fall. Prospective players have to be at least eighteen and graduated from high school. Tryouts consist of agility drills, position drills, a forty-yard dash and shuttle runs.
There is a fee to join, but currently Moss is working on ways to allow people to join for free. He wants to be able to provide equipment and uniforms at no cost. Right now, players have to provide their own equipment and a fee which pays for their uniform.
However, the rest of the cost of the team comes of Moss’s and Boyd’s pockets. They also are a registered nonprofit organization and just got their first team sponsorship. They’re currently looking for more sponsors. They also plan to sell their own merchandise at some point for more revenue.
The team usually practices on Saturdays starting at 6 PM at the old Harmon football field in Paragould. The location of home games is still up in the air, however. Moss is currently talking with both the Paragould and Jonesboro Parks and Recreation departments as well as local schools to find a new field.
Currently, the team staff consists of head coach Jordan Hightower and a defensive line coach. Moss is taking the position of offensive coordinator this season, and they’re looking to fill other leadership positions.
“We’re wanting to bring a new atmosphere to Northeast Arkansas,” Moss said. “There’s not a lot of adult activities around here…there’s not much stuff for young adults to participate in…We’re doing it because of our passion for the sport and to help these young adult athletes out.”
He wants to put their name out there in the community, arrange some community activities, and do some fundraising. Not only is he looking to invest in his team, he also wants to invest in the community and help bring people together.
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New football teams coming to NEA. Article may or may not reflect the views of KLEK 102.5 FM or The Voice of Arkansas Minority Advocacy Council