In honor of Women’s History Month, KLEK 102.5 FM is celebrating inspirational women throughout March—and we need your help! Every day, we will spotlight extraordinary women who are making a difference in our community, but first, we need your nominations. Do you know...
What to Do When You Feel Like You Can’t Do Anything Right in Marriage Because you and your spouse are two imperfect people, your marriage will be imperfect as well. In my marriage, Susan and I aren’t always on the same page with what we need from each...
In a sports game, you huddle up to reconnect and get back on the same page as your team mates. In the same way, huddling up with your kids is a great way to escape the busyness of life and reconnect with them. So huddle up with your kids tonight and use...
Not many days go by without someone telling me how busy they are. They explain how they’re swamped with work or with kids or with traveling. I’ve said the same kind of things. But the odd thing is how some people say how busy they are with a sense of...
To really love your child, you must know them. And knowing your child comes through spending time talking with them. My wife has done an awesome job of this with her “Pillow Talk” questions—open-ended questions she asks to get our kids talking. This...
Disciplining our children takes dedication and effort. It also helps to mix in a little creativity. So get out of the discipline rut with our twenty one creative consequences. If you have younger children who are messy, try this: set the toy somewhere out of reach but...
The deadline for registration is May 20, 2024. Please be ready to upload a copy of your license to sell food. Hurry! We will only accept 5 Food Trucks and 5 Brick-and-Mortar Resturants.