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    What to Do When You Feel Like You Can’t Do Anything Right in Marriage

    Written by Mark Merrill

    June 7, 2022

    Your Community Radio Station is possible thanks to this supporter!  Become an underwriter.

    What to Do When You Feel Like You Can’t Do Anything Right in Marriage

    Because you and your spouse are two imperfect people, your marriage will be imperfect as well.  In my marriage, Susan and I aren’t always on the same page with what we need from each other.  As a result, we’ve both sometimes have had that feeling like, “I can’t do anything right.”  Instead of getting frustrated, here are 3 steps to take when you feel that way.  First, be sure you and your spouse define what is…

    Huddle Up Questions

    In a sports game, you huddle up to reconnect and get back on the same page as your team mates.  In the same way, huddling up with your kids is a great way to escape the busyness of life and reconnect with them.  So huddle up with your kids tonight and use our list of 10 Huddle Up Questions.  Try asking, “What was one of your biggest mistakes and what did you learn from it?” or “What is the most important thing I…

    Why Busyness is Not a Badge of Honor

    Not many days go by without someone telling me how busy they are.  They explain how they’re swamped with work or with kids or with traveling.  I’ve said the same kind of things. But the odd thing is how some people say how busy they are with a sense of pride. They equate busyness with value, with importance, and with honor.  Here are 3 reasons why busyness is not a badge of honor.  First, it harms our kids.  When…

    20 Questions to Ask Your Child

    To really love your child, you must know them.  And knowing your child comes through spending time talking with them.  My wife has done an awesome job of this with her “Pillow Talk” questions—open-ended questions she asks to get our kids talking.  This way, they were able to stay connected in the midst of their busy lives.  I encourage you to share meaningful conversations with your kids by using these 20…

    Creative Discipline Ideas for Kids

    Disciplining our children takes dedication and effort. It also helps to mix in a little creativity. So get out of the discipline rut with our twenty one creative consequences. If you have younger children who are messy, try this: set the toy somewhere out of reach but within sight for a few days. Seeing it, but not getting it, will remind them to pick it up and put it away next time. Here’s another one…want your…

    How to Help Your Spouse Have an Affair

    In marriage, there are two people and two sides to every story.  When it comes to affairs, both spouses can often point to things that led to the infidelity.  The person having the affair cannot justify it…it’s never a good thing…but there may be some things that pushed them in that direction.  Here are some ways to push your spouse toward an affair.  First, don’t really listen.  Be sure to glance down at your…

    How to Make One-on-One Time with Your Child Special

    You may have heard me say…your kids spell love T-I-M-E.  And spending one-on-one time with them individually is a critically important way to communicate love.  Great conversations can happen while you’re folding clothes or cooking a meal together.  When you’re driving them to an after school activity, turn down the radio and strike up some conversation.  Or get out of town for an overnight trip.  Your time alone…

    Original article source:’t-do-anything-right-in-marriage/ | Article may or may not reflect the views of KLEK 102.5 FM or The Voice of Arkansas Minority Advocacy Council

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    Your Community Radio Station is possible thanks to this supporter!  Become an underwriter.

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